Veg on the Verge

Macedon Ranges residents are being encouraged to grow their own produce on their nature strip.  We have teamed up with Macedon Ranges Shire Council and Healthy Loddon Campaspe for the ‘Veg on the Verge’ initiative.

Five lucky households will receive:

  • Vouchers for gardening tools, plants and seeds.
  • Step-by-step assistance about what to grow and how to maintain your plants.
  • Information and resources including recipes using your homegrown produce.

To register your interest click here.

For more information, eligibility criteria and a list of what you can plant, visit

For more information about local nature strips, your responsibilities and Council’s nature strip landscaping policy, visit the Macedon Ranges Shire website.

If you have any questions contact Kylie Stafford on 5421 1666 or email