We are launching a new free song, rhyme and storytelling group that will be available online for parents, grandparents and anyone looking after young children. Prior to the pandemic Child and Parenting Worker, Deanne Brogan, was running the weekly Parent-Child Mother Goose program in Woodend and Romsey but due to coronavirus restrictions the groups stopped meeting in person.
“I have kept in contact with many of our families over the last few months via a private Facebook group but I wanted to extend the joys of Mother Goose to new families,” said Deanne. “Whilst we wait for restrictions to ease further we thought it would be good to share some short pre-recorded sessions where children and their carers can engage with each other through songs and rhymes.”
There is no need to register, anyone interested can click on the ‘Family Goose Teasers’ link that will be posted each Thursday on Cobaw’s Facebook page and website.
“The great thing about making these sessions accessible via our website and social media is that they can be viewed when it’s convenient and parents and children can watch them over and over again. Families can join at any time but we encourage you to start with the first video as we will build on the material in the sessions as we move along.”
As well as being a fun activity for pre-schoolers, the Parent-Child Mother Goose program enhances the bond between child and carer, connects families in the community and allows for the opportunity to share tips and ideas on parenting. The use of songs, rhymes and stories can also have a positive impact on language and literacy development and school readiness as children get older.
Also available will be a fortnightly digital newsletter called The Wombat Weekly which will have links to fun and engaging activity ideas for children. Cobaw also offers free parenting support and information for parents with children 0-12 years. Contact 5421 1666.