Whatever age you are, friendships can be one of the most important things in your life making a significant difference to your happiness, health, and wellbeing.  How we connect socially has been a hot topic in the past 12 months as we have learnt new ways to remain connected and make meaningful relationships.  For those with an intellectual disability or autism navigating this can be even more difficult, putting people at greater risk of isolation and loneliness.

A free webinar is being held next week which explores ways to help people with a disability or autism to develop and nurture friendships and local connections with a range of people, particularly those without disabilities.  Expanding the networks of people with an intellectual disability with other community members has the added benefit of promoting diversity and understanding.

The ‘Fostering Relationships’ webinar is being organised by Belonging Matters in conjunction with Sunbury and Cobaw Community Health and is on Tuesday 13 July between 10am and 12.30pm.  For bookings or more information, contact Belonging Matters on 9739 8333 or book your ticket via https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/fostering-and-developing-friendship-tickets-158671732423