The Macedon Ranges community is being called to action to speak up against sexist and abusive behaviours. Research demonstrates that being an active bystander can discourage perpetrators of sexist and abusive behaviour and at the same time supports the victim.  Two online active bystander training opportunities are being offered in the lead up to the 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence.

The 16 Days of Activism is a global movement raising awareness of and challenging gender-based violence. It runs from 25 November (International Day of Elimination of Violence Against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day).

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Delivered by Women’s Health Loddon Mallee, an Introduction to Bystander Action will introduce participants to the bystander effect, that is how social norms, exclusions and disadvantage is maintained through our collective silence. Participants will also explore bystander actions, including current examples and why people often don’t intervene.

Tuesday 26 October

The second workshop delivered by the Centre for Non-Violence will provide participants with knowledge of the drivers of gender-based violence as well as the skills to recognise the signs of family violence, how to respond appropriately and refer survivors to appropriate local services.

Tickets are available to book for the first workshop here.  For more information or to register your interest for the second workshop contact Rhani Dean-Talbett on 5421 1666 or email: