Young people make up a large part of our community, but how many young people get to have a say about the issues that are important to them?  Decisions are made every day that will affect the future of young people, whether it be about health services, schools, the environment, or just about anything.

Kid x Plus aims to give young people between 9 and 25 years of age a voice in our community that can help shape the discussions about the issues that are important to them.

What is Kid x Plus?

Kid x Plus is a youth leadership project delivered by Sunbury and Cobaw Community Health in partnership with Sunbury Aboriginal Corporation and with support from Hume City Council’s Community Grants program.

Young people involved with Kid x Plus:

  • Can get involved in the design of community events, activities and other projects
  • Participate in the annual Kid x Plus public speaking event
  • Learn new skills about advocacy, planning events and public speaking
  • Share ideas with other young people that are interested in similar issues

Kid x Plus Speaking Event

Each year Kid x Plus hosts a public speaking event.  Young people from across the community are invited to develop a talk on a topic of their choice.  They are then supported to deliver their talk to an audience that includes ‘key listeners’.  Key listeners are experts in a range of fields related to the topics that young people have chosen to talk about.  These key listeners can provide feedback and advice to Kid x Plus speakers about how to advance their ideas.  They can also take the thoughts and ideas of the speakers back into their own workplaces, making sure that young people’s voices help shape the decisions that impact on our community.

Kid x Participants Talk About Their Experience

What’s it like to be a Kid x Plus speaker?

Cordelia, George, Katherine and Sienna share their experiences of being a speaker at the Kid x Plus event.

Kara Gifford

Kara talks about her experience as a participant in the codesign process that helped design the first Kid x Plus speaker event

How to get involved?

If you want to become involved in this year’s Kid x Plus, click here.  Or you can contact Matt Gleeson on 0490 819387 or email

Want to know more?