The places we live, learn, work and play shape us and can influence our health and wellbeing opportunities. This is why we take a place-based approach to our health promotion and community engagement initiatives.
Health Promotion Program Strategic Statement (2021-25)
The Health Promotion Program Strategic Statement (2021-25) map out a significant body of work that will have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of the Macedon Ranges and Sunbury communities. Click here to read the strategic statement.
Community Health: Health Promotion Report (2023-24)
We are excited to release our Health Promotion Report for the last year. Aligned with the organisational purpose to ‘strengthen the social fabric of our communities so everyone is supported to lead healthy, connected lives,’ the work of the Building Healthy Communities unit aims to improve health outcomes through primary prevention activities underpinned by a determinants of health approach; focusing on social inclusion, connection to culture and community, climate and health and gender equity. See our report here.
Community Profile
A community profile summary for Macedon Ranges and Sunbury compiled by the Central Victorian Primary Care Partnership can be found here.
Macedon Ranges
Sunbury and Cobaw Community Health is a member of the Macedon Ranges Health and Wellbeing Partnership. The Partnership was formed by agencies working in prevention and health promotion in the Macedon Ranges Shire, to improve the health and wellbeing of the Macedon Ranges community and to work in partnership to support a prevention approach to health and wellbeing. As well as Sunbury and Cobaw Community Health, the Partnership consists of the Central Victorian Primary Care Partnership, Kyneton Health, Macedon Ranges Health, Macedon Ranges Shire Council and Women’s Health Loddon Mallee.
The Partnership produced the Macedon Ranges Health and Wellbeing Partnership Plan 2017-2021 to capture prevention and health promotion activities across the Shire. The health promotion priorities for the Macedon Ranges region, as defined in the Plan were:
- Priority 1: Healthy Eating and Active Living
- Priority 2: Primary Prevention of Violence Against Women
- Priority 3: Mental Wellbeing
We support a variety of healthy living initiatives through our Health Promotion programs. Each one designed to allow people increased control over their health and wellbeing.
The Human Code
For information about the Human Code research click here.
Sex Smart Youth
For information about the Sex Smart Youth survey click here.
COVID-19 Response
Between April and June 2020, the Health and Wellbeing Partnership worked on a number of projects to support the community during the coronavirus pandemic. A summary of the work can be found here.
Achievement Program
We are assisting early childhood services, schools and workplaces within the Macedon Ranges to implement the Achievement Program in their setting.
The Achievement Program is an evidence-based framework to support the health and wellbeing of everyone in early childhood, education and workplace settings. In the workplace, implementation of the framework helps boost morale and reduce absenteeism. In school and early childhood settings, implementation improves the health of students, enabling them to get the most out of their education because healthy kids learn better. If you are interested in learning more or signing up to the Achievement Program, contact us to find out how we can help you.
Healthy Choices Guidelines
Are you interested in offering healthy food and drink options to your customers and/or staff?
The Victorian Government has developed the Healthy Choices Guidelines to help ensure healthy foods and drinks are offered and promoted in places like hospitals, health services, sport and recreation centres, schools and workplaces.
The Healthy Choices Guidelines use a traffic light system to classify foods and drinks as GREEN (best choices), AMBER (choose carefully) and RED (limit) according to their nutritional value.
We are actively supporting sport and recreation facilities, workplaces and schools to implement the Healthy Choices Guidelines. For more information or to sign up, contact us today.
Smiles 4 Miles
Click here to find out about the Smiles 4 Miles program we deliver through kindergartens, early childhood and long daycare centres in the Macedon Ranges.
Community Partnerships
Are you a community group or organisation that would like to collaborate on a health promotion initiative that has a focus on healthy eating, active living, prevention of violence against women and/or improving mental wellbeing? If so, we would love to hear from you.
Learn more
Call 5422 1666
Visit us at 1 Caroline Chisholm Drive, Kyneton
Useful Resources
Please find below a list of websites that contain useful information about health and wellbeing.
- Nutrition Australia
- Healthy Eating Advisory Service
- Rethink Sugary Drinks
- Australian Guide to Healthy Eating
- Australian Healthy Food Guide
- Food and Mood Centre
- Australian Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines
- Teeth brushing apps for children
For a summary of our integrated health promotion work over the last four years, click here.
Community Engagement
We work with our community by focusing on community leadership and partnerships that build upon our community’s strengths. We work closely with other community based organisation such as our neighbourhood houses and the local business association to deliver community engagement and health promotion activities.
You might see us around town with our Communi-tea Van at events such as the Sunbury Twilight Cinema, Sunfest and Street Life Sunbury. If you do, come and say hi over a cuppa and tell us what you think is important to our community.
Community Partnerships
Below are a few of our partnership activities. If you are you a community group or organisation that would like to work with us we would love to hear from you.
Sons of the West/Daughters of the West
We have been pleased to partner with the Western Bulldogs Community Foundation for the last five years to bring the Sons of the West men’s health program to Sunbury. In 2023 we brought Daughters of the West to Sunbury for the first time.
Kid x Plus
We are committed to offer our young people Kid x Plus for the next three years. Two days of short talks on big topics for children and young people 9 to 25 years of age with fun and interactive activities all weekend. For details click here.
Connecting #Together Sunbury
Sunbury and Cobaw Community Health is part of a network that can help seniors in the local community. We want to connect you with local services to keep your mental health on track.
Our partner U3A Sunbury is offering a free digital literacy course, ‘Social Seniors’, using a smartphone, iPad or tablet device (of your own or on loan). The sessions are free and you participate from your own home, guided by trained digital literacy mentors. This program will also help you address any concerns about online privacy, safety and security.
For more information call 9744 9269.
Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan
Our Sunbury based health promotion activity focusses on two health priority areas from the 2019-23 Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Plan:
- Mental Health
- Prevention of Violence and Injury (Prevention of Violence Against Women)
Mental Health
We have staff trained in both Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid and we offer these courses free to the community.
Keep up to date on our Facebook page or events page as to when the next sessions will be offered.
Prevention of Violence Against Women
We have a number of initiatives that support gender equity including:
- Campaigns and activities during Week Without Violence and 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence.
- We have a staff member trained to deliver by-stander training. The ‘Stand Up, Speak Out’ program works with young women leaders providing them with knowledge on how to take action against gender inequality and violence against women.
- We are also a member of the steering group for Building a Respectful Community – Women’s Health in the North.
Learn more
Call 9744 4455
Visit us at 12-28 Macedon Street Sunbury