Carer Support Group
Carer Connect Chat is a group that meets monthly to provide carers the opportunity to meet up with other carers for a light lunch and a chat. Anyone who cares for a family member or friend or identifies as a carer is welcome to attend.
We have two groups, one meeting in Sunbury on the third Wednesday of the month and one in Kyneton meeting on the first Wednesday of the month.
- 12-28 Macedon Street, Sunbury
- 1 Caroline Chisholm Drive, Kyneton (currently on hold – please contact us if you are interested)
For more information contact 0491 174550 or email Click here to download a flyer. There is not cost for this group apart from the gold coin donation for lunch (optional).
Respite Care
Our caring respite staff offer a regular three-hour block of care to do things that are helpful for the person and their carer. This could be companionship at home while a carer goes out or getting out and about in the community. We can also assist people to look into other options for in-home respite.
Places are limited by funding, times and staff availability.
Carers E-Newsletter
We have a carers e-newsletter which is sent monthly via email. Sign up here to receive the newsletter electronically and to see our latest edition.
By signing up, you’ll get:
- Occasional e-newsletters
- Information about new programs and activities
- Invitations to events
Learn more or book a place
Call 9744 4455
Visit us at 12-28 Macedon Street Sunbury
Carer Stories
The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing has produced four videos which feature carers sharing their experience of caring for family members.
- Patricia shares advice the importance of remaining calm and being committed to your community.
- Jacqueline shares her story of being a young carer and the impacts this has on both her schooling and her social life.
- Stephanie shares some advice from her journey as a parent and carer for her children with autism.
- Ruth shares the importance of asking questions along the way and asking for help as you go.
You can view all four videos here.