Cardiac rehabilitation can help you recover from a recent heart event (e.g. heart attack) or surgery and can also help to prevent future heart problems. We support your recovery and work with you to improve your confidence with heart health management.
To do this we run group exercise and education sessions. We offer a six week group program and also have individual options for those unable to attend the group program. You can join at any time.
Who is it for?
People who have experienced a cardiac event, cardiac surgery, heart failure, a heart disease-related episode or for people who have risk factors and wish to prevent heart disease.
If you are interested ask your hospital cardiologist, cardio-thoracic surgeon or GP for a referral.

- Sunbury and Cobaw Community Health, 1 Caroline Chisholm Drive, Kyneton
Contact us on 5421 1666 for details
- Sunbury Aquatic and Leisure Centre, 20 Ligar St, Sunbury
Tuesdays, 1pm to 3pm (education and exercise session) and Thursday, 1pm to 2pm (exercise session)
Learn more or book a place
Kyneton: Call 5421 1666
Sunbury: Call 9744 4455
Visit us at 1 Caroline Chisholm Drive, Kyneton or 12-28 Macedon Street, Sunbury
Download our cardiac rehabilitation brochure here.